Android Apps

Leverage The Power Of Android App Reviews To Boost Your Business

Google Play Store is a crowded place, with millions of apps competing with each other to catch the eye of the user. It is important to deliver in terms of app experience, but the discoverability matters too. Marketing strategies play a crucial role in this super-competitive scenario. Besides the conventional SEO and social media marketing, app marketers are coming with innovative strategies to get the maximum number of downloads.

Getting positive online reviews for the app is one of them. Reviews have a significant impact on the adoption rates as well as installation rate of the mobile applications. Android Developers in India and abroad focus on creating smart apps but it is the reviews that decide how smart it is. Let us see how reviews really make a difference in the popularity of your Android app:

App Visibility
For an Android application to get the desired popularity, it has to be discoverable first. Reviews and ratings act as key ranking algorithms as they take the app up in the search results. The more is the visibility of the app, the better are the chances of installs. Moreover, the stars that accompany the reviews are likely to grab attention as users browse the Play Store.

Trust Building
App reviews come from human users which add to their trustworthiness. People tend to trust their fellow users more than anything you have to say about your business. A bank may have invested huge sums in Banking app development but it would be hard to find any takers unless they have positive feedback verifying the credibility of the app. Users will not be comfortable with the idea of parting with their financial data unless they are sure that the app offers them complete security. The feel assured when they find some positive user reviews on the Play Store.

Authentication Of Ratings
Though ratings and reviews are considered synonymous, they are actually co-existing metrics of app performance. After all the efforts invested in Android Application Development, a five-star rating comes a big prize. But it is actually a fitting review that adds credibility to the rating. A user coming up and writing his opinion regarding the app is more like a personal recommendation that adds meaning to the stars.

Genuine Feedback
Reviews, particularly negative ones, serve as an effective self-improvement tool as these provide an insight of the pain points of the users. They give a fair idea about the features that an app lacks as well as report crashes at the earliest. App providers can act on the feedback and redress the issues quickly.

Seeing the extensive benefits that app reviews can bring, it would be right to say that these are marketing assets. A business should, therefore, make efforts to get the maximum number of app reviews. Here are some strategies to help them in this regard:

Offer A Great App Experience
An app which offers a great experience is bound to attract genuine positive reviews. So make sure that you hire a reputed mobile application development company that delivers an appealing and functional mobile application for your business.

Reach Out To The Users
Personalized communication with the users encourages them to share their feedback in the form of reviews. Value their opinion, whether positive or negative and assure them with great support and instant resolution.

Harness The Power Of Social Media
Harnessing the power of social media platforms is another effective strategy to drive more reviews for your business app. Cross promote using these channels and encourage people to share reviews through them. Having yourself rated and reviewed by social influencers also encourage users to come up with reviews.

Engage With Gamification
Gamification is an innovative idea to get user attention and have them engaged. You can organize a game or contest with a reward to encourage people to leave their reviews. There are some rules that Play Store has for gamification of apps, which must be followed when you adopt this concept.

As a final word of advice, you should not try to manipulate reviews if you get negative ones. Take them as an opportunity to improve and deliver a better experience in future. A prompt response can create goodwill for your business and take you on the growth route.

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