Android app development

How Flutter App Development Is Trending Among Enterprises

Planning to develop a mobile app for your business? If yes, you are not the only one planning to launch a mobile application. Several competitors and other industry professionals are on the same path of successful, affordable, and efficient iOS & Android app development.

Such is happening because of the increasing proliferation of mobile apps among users. At present, every single smartphone user likes to have a product/service booking and buying experience via an application. Companies are investing a lot in mobile app development with help of a reliable partner.

And this trend will not be over soon due to changing customer requirements and the availability of result-oriented technologies. Concerning the same, Flutter is an apt UI toolkit for app developers to create an interactive, engaging, and interesting-looking application. It helps develop native apps for both Android and iOS platforms by using a single codebase.

Flutter app development can be your profitable choice of technology and helps create powerful UI to catch widespread user attention. This technology can help you build interactive cross-platform apps along with flawless functionality. Similar to the likes of Alibaba Group, ByteDance, Dream11, Google Pay, Beike, Abbey Road Studios, and another Flutter-based app, create an updated platform on a single codebase.

Let’s look at some of the trending features of Flutter that make it preferable technology while creating cross-platform apps.

But before that, have a look at the short introduction of Flutter along with some interesting facts.

A short introduction to Flutter

For those who do not know about Flutter, let us take you through information regarding the same. Flutter is a UI development toolkit of Google that helps mobile app developers to create engaging and intuitive UI for the app. It allows developers to create a single codebase while developing attractive UI for desktop, mobile, and web applications. Moreover, Flutter is the first choice of UI development technology among companies to create a user-friendly interface that ensures maximum conversion rate.

To make further convincing points, let’s have a look at some interesting points related to Flutter.

Some interesting facts about Flutter that you should know

  • In comparison with other technical languages, Flutter is a leading and most powerful functionality.
  • It made its inception in the year 2018 and by 2020, it gained an active users footfall of 2 million.
  • Google launched the 1.20 version of the Flutter Hybrid level framework. It is extensively used for creating engaging mobile, web, and desktop applications cost-effectively.
  • Flutter has been marked with 114K stars on GitHub.
  • During a survey that happened between 2019 and 2020, more than 39% of developers choose Flutter over other available languages.

In short, Flutter app development is getting extensive day by day with an increasing inclination toward interactive UI creation at less cost.

What makes Flutter a trending iOS & Android App Development ecosystem?

Now coming to an integral part of our discussion, how Flutter has set the trend of iOS and Android app development in the digital ecosystem. To claim this, we have enlisted five major reasons that you must know.

1. Single codebase UI creation functionality

This is what makes Flutter app development highly preferable and class apart. It follows the unique approach of, ‘write once, run everywhere, makes life and work of app developers simple and effective. Unlike traditional cross-platform app development, Flutter developers only need to write code once and use it for both Android and iOS apps. There is no such requirement to rewrite the code every single time for a new platform. Once the code is written in the first place, it can be used further to save time, effort, and cost.

2. Effective code writing & efficiency benefit

As you already know, a single codebase is required for Android and iOS app development based on the Flutter framework. It further eases and accelerates the development process on the part of mobile app developers. The single codebase approach allows developers to reuse the code with distinctive plugins without devoting extra time to writing code from the scratch. Thus, it helps cut the development timeline, remove complexity, speed up the process, and enrich development efficiency. Also, when it comes to testing, Flutter’s single codebase advantage ensures easy-to-verify functionalities.

3. Hot reloading feature to save time

Another reason behind Flutter’s trend in the mobile application development ecosystem is having Hot Reloading or Hot Restart functionalities. It allows developers to view changes in the code within a fraction of a few seconds. Simply to code, developers can see the changes while making changes in the code or performing end-to-end development. Ultimately, it helps in speedy quality testing and a minimal set of errors.

4. Easy to adapt development language

Flutter uses Dart as the programming language for the end-to-end creation of the interactive UI of an app. Compared to other programming languages, Dart is well-adapted due to being one-source and general-purpose in nature. It is the language of Google that allows developers to get easily acquainted with and utilize it to create a result-oriented application. Therefore, developers with the least development knowledge can easily understand Dart and further access the same.

Final Note

In a nutshell, Flutter is an extensively used, popular, and easy-to-adapt UI development technology. It has the potential to ensure speedy mobile app development at a low cost along with fixing complexities. Companies having budget constraints and even needing fast app development can rely on Flutter and hire Android applications developer to create a profitable application. Also, find proficient Flutter developers at Android Developer without going anywhere else.

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